Creating The Artwork For ‘Only With You’

Above is the video for Only With You.
I thought you might like to see the journey the artwork has taken to arrive in this video. (It’s photo-heavy, so the page will take a little time to load – it’s worth the wait.)

Here is the starting point, this black and white photo from the original photo shoot back in 2000. Taken at home with Queenie – Mum’s beautiful baby grand piano. I wrote so many songs on this wonderful piano.

As you can see, it’s not a great photo. But as I only have so many pictures from when I was playing, I need to be creative! So the process begins. I got lovely Kostas on Fiverr to improve the clarity of the photo and take out the background…

I desperately wanted to get some colour into the picture, so I used Photoshop and an app called Prisma to add some effects. I then got to this…

I wanted to try for more colour, so kept experimenting. Look at these fabulous colour pops!

Now I was ready to pass it over to Tanya, my artist. She was then able to paint the image, improve the quality, and make the picture digital with lots of lovely pixels. After some revisions, these were the two finished images Tanya painted. You can see one is more impressionistic…

I then played around some more and added vibrancy, colour and other highlights.
I also decided I’d like to face the other way for a change! And that was it, the artwork was ready. Below is the final version I used in the video.

This image is one of the artwork postcards in the special signed CD package of Breathe.
I hope you enjoyed seeing the process of the artwork I used for this video. It’s incredible what that rather poor image has become.